Waste Management, Texas Molecular (Corpus Christi)
Get in touch with VLS Texas Molecular (Corpus Christi)
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As a wastewater treatment and disposal facility in Corpus Christi, TX, VLS Texas Molecular provides the solutions you need for safe treatment and disposal of even the most challenging industrial hazardous aqueous waste and wastewaters. Using underground injection well technology, VLS Texas Molecular can manage waters with ph 0 to 14, eliminating the need for neutralization.
Whether you're in the pharmaceutical, petrochemical, construction, or oil industry, you can work with us for expert waste management solutions for your specific needs. Our team can help you safely dispose of countless byproducts in a manner that complements your business, while safeguarding the future of both the economy and the environment.
Liquid Waste Management
Safety and Security
24/7 Scheduling and Customer Service
Specific Capabilities
VLS Texas Molecular manages difficult-to-treat waters, and/or expensive-to-dispose waste such as:
- Reactive waters including reactive sulfides and cyanides (D003)
- Waters, acids, or bases with flashpoint <140°F (D001)
- Waters with high BOD, COD, TKN, and TDS
- Waters, acids, or bases with difficult-to-treat metals such as
selenium, mercury, and arsenic
- Waters, acids, or bases with pesticides, organics, and listed waste
codes (F, K, U, and P)
- Waters subject to a number of air-related permits such as Subparts
CC (VOCs), B (Synthetic
- Organic Chemical Manufacturing), XX (Ethylene
Operations), GGG (Pharmaceuticals), and FF (Benzene Operations)
1 injection well and spare length of injection tubing for each well
Backup generator to run critical equipment. Backup flare for thermal oxidizer.
Significant available permit and practical injection capacity.
At Texas Molecular we pride ourselves on having created a time, compliant, and cost efficient process for initiating and completing disposal procedures.
Corpus Christi Additional Resources
Hurricane Planning
Audit Handbook
Transporter Qualification
Driver Safety Rules
Approved Waste Codes
Terms and Conditions
Between 2015-2022
VLS Waste Services:
At a Glance
796,000 Tons
Our Solutions
Waste Management
Hazardous Waste
Industrial Services
Railcar Cleaning & Light Repair
Railcar Cleaning & Heavy Repair
Railcar Field Services
Marine Services
Barge Cleaning
Barge Repair
VLS Careers
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How Can We Help You?
VLS is here to help. Connect with us by filling out the below form, calling us at 877-861-8588, or using our online chat. Let's work together toward zero waste and a sustainable future.