
Revolutionizing hazardous waste management with safe, effective, waste sequestration solutions.

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At VLS, we're committed to environmental responsibility and sustainability, effortlessly managing waters with pH levels from 0 to 14, without the need for neutralization. We specialize in handling challenging-to-treat waters and costly-to-dispose waste, including but not limited to:

  • Reactive waters including reactive sulfides and cyanides (D003)
  • Waters, acids, or bases with flashpoint <140°F (D001)
  • Waters with high BOD, COD, TKN, and TDS
  • Waters, acids, or bases with difficult-to-treat metals such asselenium, mercury, and arsenic
  • Waters, acids, or bases with pesticides, organics, and listed wastecodes (F, K, U, and P)
  • Waters subject to a number of air-related permits such as SubpartsCC (VOCs), B (Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing), XX (EthyleneOperations), GGG (Pharmaceuticals), and FF (Benzene Operations)

Our Value

Consider VLS as your dedicated 'utility' partner for managing large or regular wastewater needs. With substantial capacity available for the future, we're prepared to support your growth while promoting environmental responsibility. Discover how partnering with VLS can lead to significant cost-savings with the following strategies:

  • Reducing on-site treatment capital expense, materials, and labor
  • Reducing or eliminating regulatory risk of discharge and temporary storage
  • Utilizing injection technology that does not require treatment
    chemicals, or use thermal processes

Reliable Features & Operations

Experience the reliability of VLS. Our operations are designed with sustainability and environmental responsibility at the forefront. Discover the benefits of our services, all dedicated to your success. Explore our features listed below:

  • A large receiving and storage capacity, able to accommodate receipt of most waste on a 24/7 basis
    Significant available permit and practical injection capacity
  • Customer service available on a 24/7 basis for emergencies
  • Three injection wells at our Deer Park, TX facility
  • One injection well at our Corpus Christi, TX facility
  • Spare injection tubing is inventoried at each location
  • A backup generator to run critical equipment
  • A backup flare for thermal oxidizer

Achieve more with vls

Your Ally in Sustainability
Customer Service: (281) 930-2540 Assistance with approvals and scheduling.
24/7 Scheduling and Acceptance of Most Materials
Class 1 injection wells: safer waste disposal, as per EPA. -EPA Report 570/9-91-031

VLS by the numbers:

Gallons Processed Annually
*Stats pulled from VLS Environmental Solutions 2023 ESG Report. Click here to view report.
Hazardous Waste Facilities Open 24/7/365. How Can We Help You?

Our hazardous waste facilities are available for nationwide delivery. Need another VLS location? Click below:

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How Can We Help You?

VLS is here to help. Connect with us by filling out the below form, calling us at (877) 861-8588, or using our online chat. Let's work together toward zero waste and a sustainable future.

info@vlses.com(877) 861-8588

19500 Hwy 249, Suite 440
 Houston, TX 77070