We See Hazardous
Waste Solutions

Pioneering safer, greener waste disposal for diverse industries with our expanded capabilities.

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VLS stands as a trusted leader in the waste industry.


Our team leverages innovative technology, streamlined processes, and expert personnel to deliver efficient waste sequestration services to a diverse range of industries.


We're committed to not only meeting your business needs but also championing environmental responsibility. Our team can strategically manage a multitude of byproducts, enhancing your operations while simultaneously protecting our economy and environment's longevity.


Let VLS guide you towards a sustainable future - because when you win, we all win.

Serving North America Across Many Industries

Discover the power of sustainability with VLS. We provide professional waste sequestration services to a wide range of industries, emphasizing environmental responsibility and efficiency. Our proven solutions have helped countless businesses reduce their environmental impact, backed by compelling statistics for credibility. Explore how VLS can support your industry in fostering a greener future. Join us in our mission for sustainable progress.

A Committed Member of Leading Environmental and Industry Organizations.
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Watch our Capabilities

Watch the video to discover VLS commitment to a sustainable future using waste sequestration. See firsthand the capabilities of our hazardous waste locations. Let's shape a greener tomorrow together.

Let Us Manage your Hazardous Liquid Wastes

VLS waste sequestration sites are revolutionizing hazardous waste management. With unique sequestration capabilities, they can handle a wide array of challenging waste streams. This strategic positioning in the Gulf enhances our commitment to safe, efficient, and eco-friendly waste processing and sequestration. Together, we're building a sustainable future.


  • Manage waters with pH 0 to 14 with no need for neutralization
  • Manage difficult to treat waters or expensive to dispose waste such as:
  • Reactive waters including reactive sulfides and cyanides (D003)
  • Waters, acids, or bases with flashpoint <140°F (D001)
  • Waters with high BOD, COD, TKN, and TDS
  • Waters, acids, or bases with difficult to treat metals such as Selenium, Mercury, and Arsenic
  • Waters, acids, or bases with PFAS, pesticides, organics, and listed waste codes (F, K, U, and P)
  • Accept waters subject to a number of air related permits such as Subparts CC (VOCs), B (Synthetic Organic Chemical Mfg), XX (Ethylene Operations), GGG (Pharmaceuticals), and FF (Benzene Operations)

Achieve More With VLS

Your Ally in Sustainability

Customer Service: (281) 930-2540

Assistance with approvals and scheduling.

24/7 Scheduling and Acceptance of Most Materials
Class 1 injection wells: safer waste disposal, as per EPA. -EPA Report 570/9-91-031

VLS by the numbers:

Gallons Processed Annually
*Stats pulled from VLS Environmental Solutions 2023 ESG Report. Click here to view report.
Hazardous Waste Facilities Open 24/7/365. How Can We Help You?
Our hazardous waste facilities are available for nationwide delivery. Need another VLS location? Click below:
Is Nearest You.
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How Can We Help You?

VLS is here to help. Connect with us by filling out the below form, calling us at (877) 861-8588, or using our online chat. Let's work together toward zero waste and a sustainable future.

info@vlses.com(877) 861-8588

19500 Hwy 249, Suite 440
 Houston, TX 77070